MA in Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy and Counselling
Terapia’s MA programme is a unique course providing in depth training in therapeutic work with children, young people, parents and families from an integrative perspective. The training includes major approaches to child psychotherapy and counselling and covers all topics related children’s mental health.
Available to those who have successfully completed our Foundation course in Adult Psychotherapy and Counselling or have previously trained (minimum one year) in adult counselling elsewhere.
Course structure
The course is divided into four modules, each corresponding to one year’s part-time study. There are three possible exit awards available to trainees following the first, third and fourth years of study.
Option for study
Evening Option
The evening course consists of:
36 weekly seminars: 7.00pm – 9.45pm
Weekend seminars (approx. eight per year): 10.00am -5.00pm Saturdays and Sundays
Daytime option
The daytime course consists of 33 weekdays: 10.00am to 4.30pm
Additional training days as part of a workshop (approx. five per year): 10.00am to 5.00pm
Module 1 (Year 1)
The module explores the full spectrum of theories around child development from conception to 18 years of age and the range of counselling and therapy skills relevant to children and adolescents. Through Toddler Observation and experiential skills training this module prepares trainees for clinical practice which commences a year later.
Term1: Infancy and Neuroscience
Subjects Taught: Child Development (early years)
Workshops: Conception & Birth, Neuroscience and the Body: Attunment & Affect Regulation
Term 2: Latency and play
Subjects Taught: Child Development (latency), Safeguarding
Workshops: Attunement & Playfulness, Elements of Play Therapy
Term 3: Adolescence and Preparation for Therapeutic Practice
Subjects Taught: Child Development (adolescence)
Workshops: Adolescence, Introduction to Clinical Practice with Young People, Ethics and Boundaries, Child Bereavement and Loss
Practical placements
Toddler observation
Students are responsible for arranging a placement with a toddler within a nursery environment for a weekly one-hour observation (30 hours).
Module 2 (Year 2)
This module introduces trainees to clinical practice and supports them in their first steps as child psychotherapists. It is also the beginning of a profound learning from observing the formation of a relationship between an infant and a primary caregiver. This is a formative training experience.
Term 1: Therapeutic Work with Young Children
Subjects Taught: Staying with a Child’s Process, Working with Anger & Sadness, Working in Schools, Sexual Abuse
Workshops: Sand Tray Therapy, Working with Cultural Difference, Process
Term 2: Therapeutic Work with Young People
Subjects Taught: Neurobiology of Teenage Years, Conversations with Adolescents, Gender Identity, Self-Harm, Social Media & Cyber Bullying
Workshops: Working with Teenagers, Art Therapy, Music Therapy
Term 3: Therapeutic Skills Development
Subjects Taught: Use of Touch in Therapeutic Practice, Mentalisation & Skills Practice, Transference & Countertransference, Bion & Containment
Workshops: Drama & Movement Therapy, Reflective Parenting, Adult Skills, Process
Practical placements
Parent and Baby Observation
Students are responsible for arranging an observation of a baby and the primary caregiver for a weekly one-hour observation (30 hours).
Clinical Work with Children and Adolescents
Students are required to complete 100 hours of clinical work with children aged 6 – 11 and teenagers aged 12 – 18 either in a placement within Terapia’s Clinical Services, or at an external placement approved by Terapia.
Module 3 (Year 3)
This module enhances students’ understanding of therapeutic process and completes the Baby Observation studies. It is also introduces students to the subjects pertaining to psychopathology and ill mental health of children and young people.
Term 1: Advanced Psychotherapeutic Practice
Subjects Taught: Working with Stuckness, Erotic Transference, Working with Defences and Projective Identification, Therapist’s Resilience & Self-care
Workshops: Therapeutic Storytelling, Puppets and Dialoguing, Body Process, Adult Skills
Term 2: Child and Adolescent Mental Health
Subjects Taught: Initial Assessments & Formulations – Child Psychiatry, Initial Assessments & Formulations – Child & Adolescent Psychotherapy, Risk Assessment & Suicidality, Court Report Writing & Giving Evidence in Court
Workshops: Evidence Based Practice & Research, Eating Disorders, Play Therapy Residential (five days residential training in Oxfordshire)
Term 3: Child and Adolescent Mental Health
Subjects Taught: Neurodevelopmental Disorders (ADHD, ADD, TICS, Tourette’s Syndrome, Social & Communication Disorders, ASD), Anxiety Disorders, Bipolar Related Disorders & personality Disorders in relation to Children. Disruptive, Impulse Control & Conduct Disorders, Substance related & Addictive Disorders. Trauma & Stress Related Disorders
Workshops: CBT and the Treatment of OCD , Substance Misuse, Gaming and Gambling, Process
Practical placements
Parent and Baby Observation
Students are continuing and completing observation of a baby and the primary caregiver in their weekly one-hour observations (30 hours).
Clinical Work with Children and Adolescents
Students are required to complete 150 hours of clinical work with children aged 0-5, (young children) 6 – 11 (primary school) and teenagers aged 12 – 18 either at a placement within Terapia’s Clinical Services, or at an external placement approved by Terapia.
Module 4 (Year 4)
This module consolidates students’ theoretical knowledge and advance clinical skills, it prepares them for independent practice with all groups of children and young people with all complexities they might present.
Term 1: Working with Trauma
Subjects Taught: Affect Regulation, Trauma-Informed Art Therapy, Working with Shame, Gangs, Knife Crime & County Lines, De-escalation of Violent Behaviour, Intergenerational Transmission of Trauma & Racism
Workshops: Trauma, Child Sexual Abuse, Fostering &Adoption including PACE
Term 2: Diversity-Informed Practice
Subjects Taught: Sensory Motor Play, Working with Children with Special Needs, Working with Children with ADHD, Understanding Gender Dysphoria
Workshops: Diversity-Informed Practice, Neuro-Affirmative Practice & Autism, Process
Term 3: Working with Systems Around the Child, Integration
Subjects Taught: Integration – Articulating Your Integrative Approach, Systemic Family Therapy, Viva Preparation
Workshops: Parent Infant Psychotherapy, Family Therapy, Endings
Practical placements
Clinical Work with Children and Adolescents
Students are required to complete 200 hours of clinical work with children aged 0-5, (young children) 6 – 11 (primary school) and teenagers aged 12 – 18, adults, reflective practice with parents either at a placement within Terapia’s Clinical Services, or at an external placement approved by Terapia.
Mental Health Familiarisation Placement
Students must conduct 100 hours of observation within a multidisciplinary mental health team working with children and/or adolescents who have a diagnosable mental health disorder.
Training Requirements
- Details of written work and modes of assessments will be provided to students accepted on to the course.
- All students are required to attend a minimum of 40 hours of personal psychotherapy per training year with a UKCP registered psychotherapist. This must be in person.
- Supervision: Group supervision is provided by Terapia for all the required toddler observation and clinical work. Students need to supplement the group supervision with some additional individual supervision, depending on their clinical work load.
Academic Regulations
Terapia adopts Middlesex University’s Academic Regulations as its validating institution.
- Minimum of one-year (three terms) of training in adult counselling or
- Terapia’s Foundation Course in Adult Psychotherapy and Counselling
- Previous education and/or life experience indicating candidate’s ability to undertake training at Postgraduate level
- An intention, commitment and ability to undertake a long term training in psychotherapy
- A commitment to personal growth and self-development;
- Self-reflection, including a willingness to stay with and work with difficult feelings. Ability to receive feedback and recognise own limitations
- Personal integrity; attunement, resilience, creativity and ability to play
- Good personal and professional boundaries
- Experience of professional or personal involvement with children, adolescents or vulnerable adults
- Ability to form relationships with others that are engaging, meaningful and respectful
- Sensitivity to issues of diversity and equal opportunities. Awareness of prejudice and commitment to non-discriminatory practice
- Clear Enhanced DBS Check
- Experience of a minimum of one year of personal therapy (desirable)
The MA in Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy is validated by Middlesex University and is accredited by the College for Child and Adolescent Psychotherapies (CCAP) of the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP) . We are a Member Organisation of British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP).
Training at Terapia offers the opportunity for the following credentials for our Graduates:
- Following Year 1:
Postgraduate Certificate in Child Development and Young Child Observation Studies (60 credits)
- Following Year 3:
Postgraduate Diploma in Child and Adolescent Counselling (180 credits)
- Following Year 4:
MA in Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy and Counselling (240 credits)
(Credits earned are transferable.)
UKCP (United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy)
As an accredited member organisation of UKCP, we offer our MA graduates UKCP Registration as a Child and Adolescent Psychotherapist.
Core Tutor: Child Development (Day & Evening cohorts)
Child Psych, Clinical Supervisor, UKCP
Core Tutor: Child Development (Day cohort)
Core Tutor: Child Development (Evening cohort)
CEO, Clinical Director & Founder
Ethics & Boundaries | Adult Skills
Elements of Play Therapy
Whole School Approach Therapeutic Lead
Toddler Observations (Day)
MA Child Psych, MBACP, UKCP
Toddler Observations (Day)
Whole School Approach Therapeutic Lead
Toddler Observations (Evening)
BA (Hons), MA Child Psych, Dip Supvn, UKCP, Clinical Supervisor & Tutor
Clinical Supervision | Sexuality in Adolescence | Working in Schools Multidisciplinary Placement
Child Psych, Clinical Supervisor, UKCP
Clinical Supervision
Working with Teenagers | Working with Parents
Introduction to Drama and Movement Therapy
Music Therapy | Adult Skills | Working with Special Needs
MA Psych, UKCP
Sexual Abuse
Group Process Tutor
Course Fees 2024
MA in Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy and Counselling
Terapia is a Registered Charity (Charity Number 1144041) and does not profit from course fees. Fees include all charges for tutorials, art materials and assessment of written assignments.
We apply an £80 application fee, which is payable at the point of when you submit an application. This fee covers the administrative and interview costs associated with the processing procedure. An initial, non-refundable deposit of £550 is required to secure your place on this course and that is deducted from your fees. Students who opt to pay their fees in full before the start of the academic year will receive a discount of £60, however students may choose to pay fees in monthly or termly instalments. MA students pay a fee to a registration fee in each of the first two years of study.
For a full list of fees, please click here.
In the event of student’s change of personal circumstances resulting in difficulty in meeting financial obligation they should contact the course Director as soon as possible so that a mutually appropriate solution can be sought. Late fees will incur interest. If a student decides to withdraw from the training part way through the year, the full fees for that year are payable. If a student has been asked to withdraw from the training the fees payable are up to and including that term.
Students who have completed the training but have not submitted their course work and have not completed all course requirements will be charged an annual administration fee until they fully graduate.
Students who currently work with children or young people may choose to approach their employer to fund or part-fund the training, particularly if the skills acquired will directly contribute to their current job. Terapia will assist and support students wishing to make such applications.
International students can contact The British Council at for information on grants and scholarships.
Apply for this course
If you're having trouble completing the online form please click here to download the application form as a PDF.