Open Evenings

Are you interested in becoming a child and adolescent Psychotherapist or Counsellor?  Or are you already working as an adult Counsellor or Psychotherapist but would like to explore the field of child psychotherapy?  Our training is suitable for those looking to work therapeutically with children and young people.

We are currently recruiting for the courses starting in January 2025.  To avoid disappointment, we encourage you to apply as early as possible.  We strongly recommend attending an Open Evening Event.  The event consists of an informative 90-minute presentation, delivered by Bozena Merrick, Clinical Director, CEO and Founder.  The evening is friendly and relaxed with ample time and opportunity to ask any questions that you may have about the training, accreditation and future job opportunities.

Most of the Open Evening Events, take place in person, with the exception of two, which take place over Zoom.  They start at 19:00 and are free of charge.




Our location

Future 2024 open evening dates

  • Thursday 12 September
  • Tuesday 24 September (Zoom)
  • Monday 14 October
  • Monday 18 November

Reserve a space

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